Jalan Dagang Mas 2
Taman Mas, Selangor
+6011 70232328
Mon - Sat: 9:30 - 18:30
Off on Sun and Public Holiday
Taman Mas, Selangor
Off on Sun and Public Holiday
ORIGINAL Radiator Bush Perodua Kancil Kelisa Kenari Myvi Viva Alza Axia Bezza Avanza
Application :
Upper : Kancil , Kelisa , Viva , Myvi , Axia , Bezza
Lower : Myvi , Viva , Alza
Picture are straightly taken from product
*100% Perodua Original
*Heavy Duty And Long Lasting
*Part No. = ( 9004A-48033 LOWER / BAWAH )
( 9004A-48017 UPPER / ATAS )
– Price quoted for 1pcs
(Harga diiklankan adalah untuk 1 biji.)
– Product shape/configuration as shown in photos, however, the colour may vary depending on the production batch and materials composition. The manufacturer may change the product packaging from time to time without prior notice.
(Bentuk / konfigurasi produk seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar, namun warna mungkin berbeza-beza bergantung kepada komposisi bahan mentah. Pengilang mungkin menukar pembungkusan produk dari semasa ke semasa tanpa sebarang notis.)